Thursday 17 September 2015

Goodwin's theory

Goodwin's theory

Goodwin's theory has 8 main principles.

  • genre characteristics
  • notions of looking, this is how women are shjown for the pleasure of looking
  • links between songs lyrics and the visuals in the music video
  • links between music and visuals
  • intertextual references, were one media text references another
  • voyeurism
  • how the record lable wants the artist represented
  • performance, narrative and concept based music videos

Lyrics and visuals

According to goodwin the lyrics of a song will have a connection to the visuals shown to an audience. The visuals reinforce what the lyrics say and have a greater impact due to the different types of sensual stimulus eg; soundf and sight.

Genre characteristics

These are characteristics that are expected in a music video based on the genre of music. An example would be a pop music video will show a lot of the singer performing. another example would be R&B you would expect to see lots of jewelry and designer lables.

Narrative based

Narrative gives the song a story and brings more life and emotion into the music video it also makes it more interesting for the audience and can encourage repetitve viewings. A narrative music video can be fragmented, a mixture of band performance and narrative or linear, just a narrative.

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