Monday, 30 November 2015

Things that could go wrong

1) Cast could be late for photo or video shoot
   To solve this issue i will tell people to meet earlier than the requested time, research route times to      keep on schedule and pre book people in advance so they have plenty of knowledge of what is            going on. 

2) Camera battery could die

   A spare battery will be taken out in case one dies both will be checked to make sure they are fully      charged before leaving to photograph or video.

3) Gets dark quickly

   I need sun dusk and dawn which allows only short periods for filming due to winter months and          the days being shorter, to solve this i will check the times of sunrise and sun set to estimate the            maximum amount of filming that can be done and create photoshoot days based on the times.

4) Public
   some of the places i aim to film are public so random people may enter shots that i don't want them    too, in order to avoid this i will try to avoid main paths where people will be and film during time        periods that have less people, i could also have someone scouting to see if people will be coming        and give warning so time and battery is not wasted on unusable footage.

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